How to Use Islamic Coin
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How to Use Islamic Coin: A Comprehensive Guide

In this guide, you will learn How to Use Islamic Coin.

This coin is a Sharia-compliant cryptocurrency that was launched in May 2023. It was created to provide the global Muslim population with a financial platform that offers 100% halal cryptocurrency. The new token was designed to address the reservations that observant Muslims currently have about digital assets and how they fit in with the customs of Islam.

Understanding how to use Islamic Coin is essential for anyone who wants to invest in this cryptocurrency. This coin is based on the Haqq blockchain, a decentralized network that allows open participation, similar to public blockchains like Ethereum. However, to maintain an Islam-compliant crypto community, the network verifies projects using a blockchain oracle to ensure their adherence to Sharia principles. Verified projects are awarded a Halal certificate, which means they are approved for use by Muslims.

To use Islamic Coin, users need to create a digital wallet that is compatible with the cryptocurrency. There are several wallets available that support Islamic Coin, including ISLAMIwallet. Once the wallet is set up, users can buy, sell, and trade Islamic Coin on various cryptocurrency exchanges. It is important to note that Islamic Coin is a relatively new cryptocurrency, and its value can be volatile. As with any investment, users should exercise caution and do their own research before investing in Islamic Coin.

Key Takeaways

  • Islamic Coin is a Sharia-compliant cryptocurrency that provides a financial platform for the global Muslim population.
  • Islamic Coin is based on the Haqq blockchain, which verifies projects using a blockchain oracle to ensure their adherence to Sharia principles.
  • To use Islamic Coin, users need to create a digital wallet that is compatible with the cryptocurrency and exercise caution when investing.

Historical Background of Islamic Coins

Early Islamic Coinage

Islamic coinage has a rich history that dates back to the 7th century, when the first Islamic coins were minted in the Arabian Peninsula. The early Islamic coins were modeled after the Sassanian and Byzantine coins that were used in the neighboring empires. These coins were minted in gold, silver, and copper and featured inscriptions in Arabic.

The early Islamic coins were used for trade and commerce, and they played a significant role in the growth and development of the Islamic economy. They were also used to pay the salaries of soldiers and government officials. The Islamic coins were minted in various denominations, including dinars, dirhams, and fals.

Evolution of Islamic Coins

Over time, the Islamic coins evolved, and they began to feature Islamic motifs and designs. The Islamic coins were also used to promote the Islamic faith, and they featured inscriptions from the Quran and other Islamic texts.

During the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, the coins became more standardized, and they featured calligraphy and geometric designs. The coins were also used to commemorate important events, such as the construction of mosques and the victories of Islamic armies.

The coin continued to evolve over time, and it was minted in various parts of the Islamic world, including North Africa, Spain, and India. The coin played an important role in the Islamic economy, and it was used for trade and commerce for centuries.

In conclusion, the historical background of Islamic coins is rich and diverse. The coins have evolved over time, and they have played an important role in the growth and development of the Islamic economy. The early This coins were modeled after the Sassanian and Byzantine coins, while the later Islamic coins featured Islamic motifs and designs. The coins were also used to promote the Islamic faith, and they featured inscriptions from the Quran and other Islamic texts.

Understanding Islamic Coins

Coins, also known as ISLM, is a Sharia-compliant cryptocurrency that adheres to the principles of Islamic finance. It operates without interest and is backed by tangible assets, making it an ethical investment option for Muslims worldwide.


Like traditional currency, Islamic coins come in different denominations. The most common denominations are 1 ISLM, 5 ISLM, 10 ISLM, and 50 ISLM. These denominations make it easy for users to carry out transactions of various sizes.

Design Elements

ISLM coins feature unique design elements that reflect the Islamic faith and culture. The front of the coin typically features an Arabic inscription of the shahada, the declaration of faith in Islam. The back of the coin may feature a Quranic verse or an image of a prominent Islamic landmark.

In addition to these design elements, ISLM coins also feature security features to prevent counterfeiting. These security features may include holograms, watermarks, and serial numbers.

Overall, these coins provide a Sharia-compliant alternative to traditional cryptocurrencies for Muslims who want to invest in a way that aligns with their faith. With their unique design elements and denominations, ISLM coins offer a practical and ethical investment option for Muslims worldwide.

How to Use Islamic Coins

Coins have been used for centuries and are still used in some regions today. Here are some ways in which ISLM coins have been used:

Trade and Commerce

These coins were used as a form of currency in trade and commerce. They were accepted as payment for goods and services and were used to make purchases.

Coins have been used for centuries and are still used in some regions today. Here are some ways in which ISLM coins have been used. Coins were also used to pay taxes and fund public works projects.

Islamic coins were minted in different denominations, with each denomination having a specific value. The value of a coin was determined by its weight and purity. Islamic coins were made of gold, silver, and copper, with gold coins being the most valuable.

In Numismatics

Islamic coins are also used in numismatics, which is the study and collection of coins. Numismatists study ISLM coins to learn about the history and culture of the Islamic world.

These coins provide important information about the time period in which they were minted. They often contain the name of the ruler who ordered the coin to be minted, the year in which it was minted, and the location of the mint. Numismatists use this information to piece together the history of the Islamic world.

In addition to their historical significance, coins are also valued for their beauty and rarity. Some coins are highly sought-after by collectors and can fetch high prices at auctions.

Overall, Islamic coins have played an important role in the history and culture of the Islamic world. Whether used in trade and commerce or studied by numismatists, they provide valuable insights into the past.

Preservation and Care of Islamic Coins

These coins are not only valuable for their historical and cultural significance but also for their monetary value. As such, it is important to take proper care of them to ensure their preservation. Here are some tips on how to preserve and care for Islamic coins:


When handling Islamic coins, it is important to minimize contact with bare hands as much as possible. The oils and acids from the skin can cause damage to the surface of the coin. It is recommended to wear clean cotton gloves or use tweezers to handle the coins.


Proper storage is essential for the preservation of ISLM coins. It is recommended to store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Exposure to moisture and humidity can cause corrosion and damage to the coins.

Coins should be stored individually in acid-free, archival-quality holders such as coin flips or mylar sleeves. These holders protect the coins from scratches, dirt, and other contaminants.


Cleaning ISLM coins should be done with caution and only when necessary. Over-cleaning or using harsh chemicals can damage the surface of the coin and reduce its value.

If cleaning is necessary, it is recommended to use a soft-bristled brush and distilled water. Gently brush the surface of the coin in a circular motion and rinse with distilled water. Do not use tap water or any cleaning solutions.


Displaying ISLM coins can be a great way to showcase their beauty and historical significance. However, it is important to use proper display methods to prevent damage.

Coins should be displayed in acid-free, archival-quality holders such as coin albums or display cases. Avoid using adhesives or tape to attach the coins to the display, as this can cause damage.

In conclusion, proper preservation and care are essential to maintaining their historical and monetary value. By following these tips, collectors and enthusiasts can ensure the longevity of these important artifacts.


Islamic Coin (ISLM) is a promising cryptocurrency that offers a Sharia-compliant alternative to traditional cryptocurrencies. It is designed to meet the needs of the Muslim community, which has been underserved by the financial industry for a long time. With its emphasis on transparency, security, and compliance with Islamic principles, it has the potential to revolutionize the way Muslims transact and invest.

One of the key benefits of ISLM Coin is its halal certification, which ensures that it is compliant with Islamic law. This is important for Muslims who are looking for a way to invest their money in a way that aligns with their religious beliefs. By using ISLM Coin, they can be sure that their investments are ethically sound and in line with the principles of Islam.

Another benefit of Coin is its focus on security. The platform uses advanced encryption technology to protect users’ data and transactions, which makes it much harder for hackers to steal funds or compromise user accounts. This is particularly important in the world of cryptocurrency, where security breaches are all too common.

Overall, Coin is an exciting development in the world of cryptocurrency. Its focus on compliance with Islamic principles, transparency, and security make it an attractive option for Muslims who are looking for a halal way to invest their money. As more people become aware of the benefits of ISLM Coin, it is likely that its popularity will continue to grow.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Islamic coin, and how does it work?

Islamic Coin (ISLM) is a sharia-compliant cryptocurrency that was created to provide Muslims with a halal alternative to traditional cryptocurrencies. It is built on a blockchain mechanism that ensures the security and transparency of all transactions. ISLM Coin works similarly to other cryptocurrencies, allowing users to transfer funds to other users without the need for intermediaries.

How can I buy Islamic Coin?

You can purchase Coin on the CoinIslamic platform using a variety of payment methods, such as credit or debit cards, bank transfers, and other cryptocurrencies. Additionally, you can trade coins on cryptocurrency exchanges.

What is the current price of Islamic Coin in USD?

The current price of ISLM Coin in USD can be found on various cryptocurrency tracking websites. The price of Islamic Coin, like other cryptocurrencies, is subject to market fluctuations and may change rapidly.

What are the benefits of investing in Islamic Coin?

Investing in Islamic Coin allows you to support the development of a sharia-compliant financial system that aligns with Islamic principles. Additionally, ISLM Coin provides a secure and transparent platform for financial transactions that can be used by Muslims around the world.

How do I create an Islamic Coin wallet?

To create an Islamic Coin wallet, you can download the official wallet app from the HaqqNetwork website. Once you have downloaded the app, you can follow the instructions to create a new wallet and start using Islamic Coin.

Is Islamic Coin available on Binance?

As of the current date, Islamic Coin is not available on Binance. However, it is available on several other cryptocurrency exchanges and can be purchased and traded on the CoinIslamic platform.

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