
What Is the BSC Testnet and How to Get Testnet BNB From Faucets?

The Binance Smart Chain (BSC) Testnet is a platform for developers to test and deploy smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) on the Binance Smart Chain. It is a sandbox environment that allows developers to experiment with the BSC network without risking real funds. In this blog post, we will explain what the BSC Testnet is, its benefits, and how to get Testnet BNB from faucets.

What Is the Binance Smart Chain Testnet?

The Binance Smart Chain Testnet is a parallel blockchain network that runs alongside the Binance Smart Chain mainnet. It is designed to provide a safe and secure environment for developers to test their smart contracts and dApps before deploying them on the mainnet. The Testnet is a replica of the mainnet, but with some key differences:

  1. Testnet BNB: The Testnet uses Testnet BNB, which has no real-world value, as opposed to the mainnet’s BNB, which has real-world value.
  2. No Gas Fees: Transactions on the Testnet do not require gas fees, making it cost-effective for developers to test their applications.
  3. Short Block Times: The block time on the Testnet is much shorter than on the mainnet, allowing developers to test their applications more quickly.

Benefits of Using the BSC Testnet

Using the BSC Testnet has several benefits for developers:

  1. Safe Environment: The Testnet provides a safe environment for developers to test their smart contracts and dApps without risking real funds.
  2. Cost-Effective: Transactions on the Testnet do not require gas fees, making it cost-effective for developers to test their applications.
  3. Faster Testing: The shorter block times on the Testnet allow developers to test their applications more quickly.

How to Get Testnet BNB From Faucets

To get Testnet BNB from faucets, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a Testnet Wallet

To receive Testnet BNB, you need to create a Testnet wallet. There are several wallets that support the BSC Testnet, such as Trust Wallet, MetaMask, and MyEtherWallet. Choose one of these wallets and create a Testnet wallet.

Step 2: Visit a Testnet Faucet

Once you have created your Testnet wallet, visit a Testnet faucet. A Testnet faucet is a website that gives out free Testnet BNB. There are several faucets available, such as https://testnet.binance.org/faucet-smart and https://test.faucet.binance.org/. Choose one of these faucets and follow the instructions to receive your free Testnet BNB.

Step 3: Wait for Confirmation

After you have received your Testnet BNB from the faucet, you need to wait for confirmation. The confirmation time may vary depending on the faucet you used. Once your transaction is confirmed, you can use your Testnet BNB to test your smart contracts and dApps on the BSC Testnet.


The Binance Smart Chain Testnet provides a safe and secure environment for developers to test their smart contracts and dApps before deploying them on the mainnet. Getting Testnet BNB from faucets is easy and cost-effective, allowing developers to test their applications without risking real funds. By using the BSC Testnet, developers can ensure that their applications are working as intended before deploying them on the mainnet.

What is the difference between the BSC Testnet and the BSC Mainnet

The Binance Smart Chain (BSC) has two main versions: the Testnet and the Mainnet. The BSC Testnet is a version of the BSC that is used for testing purposes, where developers can test their smart contracts and applications without using real funds. On the other hand, the BSC Mainnet is the live version of the BSC that is used for real transactions, where users can use real funds to interact with smart contracts and applications.

In summary, the main difference between the BSC Testnet and the BSC Mainnet is that the former is used for testing purposes, while the latter is used for real transactions. If you are a developer or a user who wants to test out smart contracts or applications on the BSC, you can use the Testnet version. However, if you want to use the BSC for real transactions, you should use the Mainnet version.

How can I set up a BSC Testnet wallet?

To set up a BSC Testnet wallet, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Binance Smart Chain Testnet Faucet website and request some testnet BNB tokens. You can use these tokens to pay for transaction fees on the BSC Testnet.
  2. Download and install a BSC-compatible wallet, such as MetaMask or Trust Wallet.
  3. Once you have installed the wallet, select the option to add a new network and enter the following details:
  • Network Name: BSC Testnet
  • New RPC URL: https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/
  • ChainID: 97
  • Symbol: BNB
  • Block Explorer URL: https://testnet.bscscan.com/
  1. Save the new network settings and connect to the BSC Testnet.
  2. You should now be able to send and receive testnet BNB tokens using your BSC Testnet wallet.

Note that the steps may vary slightly depending on which wallet you use, but the general process should be similar.

Are there any limitations to using Testnet BNB?

Yes, there are some limitations to using Testnet BNB.

Firstly, Testnet BNB cannot be used for real-world transactions or purchases. It is only meant for testing purposes on the Binance Smart Chain Testnet.

Secondly, the Testnet BNB obtained from faucets may have a limited lifespan and may expire after a certain period. This means that if you don’t use it within the given time frame, it may become invalid and unusable.

Lastly, Testnet BNB may not have the same value or market price as the actual BNB cryptocurrency. Therefore, it cannot be used to accurately predict the performance or behavior of the actual BNB in the market.

It’s important to keep in mind that Testnet BNB is solely meant for testing and development purposes, and should not be used for any other purposes.

Can I use Testnet BNB on any dApps or platforms outside of the BSC Testnet?

Yes, you can use Testnet BNB on any dApps or platforms that support the Binance Smart Chain Testnet. However, it is important to note that Testnet BNB is not real BNB and has no value outside of the testnet environment. Therefore, it is recommended to only use Testnet BNB for testing purposes on the BSC Testnet. If you want to use real BNB on other dApps or platforms, you will need to acquire it through a cryptocurrency exchange or other means.

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